A Blog Update

by Matthew Thompson

Hey everyone! I recently transitioned to a new job and decided to take a little break from the blog while I settled into my new work life. But I wanted to let people know I will be back soon! I was planning to do a little gaming update of sorts this week, but my writing muscles are a bit cold I guess, so I have decided to just focus on my year-end posts which should start going up in the next few weeks. Doing these is one of my favorite parts of having this site. My plan at the moment is to do a top 15 TV Shows of the year (I had a top ten I was happy with, but a couple late additions shook things up so I plan to expand to 15 to show more 2017 series some love) and a couple posts about gaming in 2017 (probably a GotY list of either five or ten plus a supplemental post that will let me shine some light on certain specific aspects I loved from games in 2017). I’m also hoping to throw up a top five albums of the year list along with sharing My 2017 Mix on Spotify like I usually do, but I don’t really write a ton on music so that will just be a small post.

In the new year, I plan to revamp the way this site works. Part of me would like to start making smaller posts, so I can share my impressions of things more often. But the truth is I have always wanted to do that on here and never seemed to make it happen. I have become accustomed to making a certain length of post and it is hard to break that habit. Maybe my new time constraints will make it a necessity though. I’m also considering perhaps just focusing on one lengthy post a month. I enjoy the art of writing and this would probably let me still scratch that itch without trying to do too much. Or maybe I can find a nice balance of both.

Anyway, thanks to everyone who has checked in on the site during this time and throughout the year. I really appreciate it. I hope to start rolling out my year-end posts in the next couple weeks. I’m still hoping to finish up a couple shows and play some more games for consideration as a part of those posts, so it will likely be closer to the end of 2017 and perhaps even bleeding into early 2018. As always, thanks for reading!

6 thoughts on “A Blog Update

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  1. I know what you mean about trying to reign in the word count. When I first started blogging, my posts averaged 700-800 words, but now they’re rarely under 1200. I feel like I should get back to that because it would make it easier to get posts out, but it never really works out. I guess when you write for self-enrichment it just feels more important to get all your thoughts off your chest rather than rush out posts.

    1. Well put. Even when I set out to write less with just a few core points to get across, I inevitably find myself wanting to say more and it balloons. I will see how it goes next time I try but I suspect the results will be similar.

  2. Congrats on the new job!

    I too have been struggling to keep posts more frequent, and shorter. It just doesn’t work that way because I have too much to ramble about! Might be a good challenge to try to keep myself, say, below 1,000 words per article for a few weeks and see what happens…

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